OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF the Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors

Pub. 6 2024 Directory

By Hope Pollard, President, ABC Maine

This past year has flown by as usual. I often say to my team and our members, “I learn something new every day,” and I do. ABC Maine continues to grow as a strong, contending chapter making huge impacts in Augusta, defending the merit shop in Maine.

By Dan Coffey, Chairman, ABC Maine

It is hard to believe I have already completed my first year as chair of ABC Maine. It has truly been a pleasure working with the ABC Maine team and the many dedicated members who volunteer their time to support and advance the Merit Shop Philosophy throughout our great state.

By Larry Grondin, Incoming Chairman, ABC Maine
By Shari Johnston, Workforce Development Coordinator, ABC Maine
The Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors
The Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors
The Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors
The Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors
The Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors
The Maine Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors

See what else is inside

Inside you will find additional information such as our member directory, information from national, programs and more.

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